Wm Hocker | Toy Soldiers

The Metal Toy Soldiers of   

  Wm. Hocker, Proprietor

Jan. 6 Insurrection Souvenir
(specify 2020 or 2024 flag)
The Trump Regime

Please Note: we have, at least for now, ceased taking orders for goods not-in-stock. We are still finishing up sets on the painting table (noted as ** in the catalogue). These sets may now be reserved with payment and will be prioritized for completion, but at our current rate it may take some time. We welcome the purchase of in-stock sets until they are gone.

HEREIN WE PRESENT TOY SOLDIERS of remarkable quality & historical interest, manufactured of the finest materials & most painstakingly executed.

Our Models are finished in the distinctive style of Mr. William Britain, Junr. of London, England. Although formed of solid-cast tin rather than the hollow-cast metal for which Mr. Britain is justly renowned, it may be said that in both general & detailed appearance our Toy Soldiers most faithfully recollect the character of those they seek to emulate. We call our customer's particular attention to the correctness of proportion & pose, the trueness of colouring & application of paintwork, the exactness of jointure & assemblage, the authenticity of grouping, presentation & boxing. While no longer recommended for small children, it should also be noted that, like those of our predecessor, our Goods are to be enjoyed as toys: our artillery pieces fire, our limbers roll, our arms move, etc.

But also be assured that our Toy Soldiers are unique & original & in no way may be considered facsimiles. Quite the contrary; for whilst choosing the same language, as it were, we wish above all to say that which Mr. Britain has left unsaid. Nor are selections for representation made in an haphazard manner. Careful consideration has been taken to include subjects of individual historical note which, owing to singularity, innovation, renown, usefulness or like characteristics, attract attention to themselves. But even beyond this, each season a range of groupings is made, related in theme, so as to present a lively & picturesque tableau of the grim & glorious encounters in a particular realm of military interest. In previous years we have been pleased to place before our public toy soldiers of the Great military events of the British Army in theVictorian Age. More recently extensive ranges of figures from American History have become an ever increasing part of our offering.

Certainly no stout heart can remain unmoved by our faithful & clever representations of stalwart Regiments & noble Foes. We enthusiastically commend our Toy Soldiers for Your review & are confident You will find not one of our many & varied offerings deficient as regards compatibility, execution, veracity or presentation.

