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Wm. Hocker in TS&MF - 9Nov10 9:37PMThis seems to be a big month for Wm. Hocker. Toy Soldier and Model Figure Magazine has two articles which display our goods. Clyde Cocke has written a very thorough and well illustrated article on our set #100, The Queen's Own Toy Soldiers, laying out the historical links of the set to the Britains company and tradtion and to the period of Victoria's Diamond Jubilee which it represents. I couldn't be more pleased! Additions and Comments You must be a logged-in client to add your comment to this topic.
1. - 9Nov10 10:03PM
And in the same issue, Jim Hillestad of The Toy Soldier (prepare for music) has done a great article on the history of lighter-than-air craft and of examples that have been produced by toy soldier makers over the years. Balloons featured are the well known Mark Time version, Joe Shimik's Potsdammer Zinnsoldaten balloon and dirigible in the Heyde style, the classically Britains concoctions of Harold Pestana, a Kingcast Elephant balloon section!, and the most charming of the bunch - Bill Speer's Watney's Balloon. The Wm. Hocker set # 1 also make an appearance.
| 2. Clyde Cocke - 15Nov10 5:22PM
As mentioned by Bill in a previous post, the December issue No. 151 of Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine has an article on his set 100 but also the attached centerfold photo by Eilene Harkless Moore on his public display set No. 228. The marching figures are new Britains Royal Marine Light Infantry, Cameron Highlanders and Coldstream Guards which fit in quite well with Bill's figures.