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5th NY (Duryee) Zouaves

Randy Bond - 9Apr10 11:46AM

The Zouave style uniforms that were worn by both the North & South during the Civil War came from North Africa via France. The French had colonies in North Africa such as Algeria and Morocco where this Orientalist style originated. Some of the French troops that fought in the Crimean War during the 1850s wore the Zouave style uniform. By the time of the ACW in the 1860s the style had spread to North America.

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1. Randy Bond - 9Apr10 11:50AM

The 5th NY Zouaves were painted by Winslow Homer in 1865 in a painting called Pitching Quoits.
Quoits was the earlier name for the game of horseshoes.

2. Randy Bond - 9Apr10 12:06PM

Another Winslow Homer showing Union Zouaves called The Brierwood Pipe

Since 1983