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  Wm. Hocker, Proprietor

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Portable Pigeon Loft

Randy Bond - 6Jul11 3:54AM

Bill hasn't tackled WWI yet but this subject is great in glossy. I was looking at the website for Tommy Atkins recently and found that they have done some atypical subjects that nevertheless capture important elements of that conflict. This British portable pigeon loft used by the Signal Corps really grabbed me when I saw it. It has that playful look that we all like about Bill's work. As you can tell from my posts I tend to prefer the non-combat aspects of military history which in actuality make up the largest percentage of activity. As they say in the army "Hurry up and wait!"

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1. Damian Clarke - 20Aug11 2:33PM

I am sure Mr Hocker would create some great sets for WWI if he ever gets round to covering that era.

Since 1983