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Carl Charles - 25Oct11 3:01PM
My grandmother started me on Britains in the early 1950's. I was never so pleased as at my first Old Toy Soldier show in Chicago in 1986 when I purchased my first Wm. Hocker set. In 1987 I purchased two and many and several every year thereafter. I think they are magnificent. The sets are creatively configured as are so many of the figures(as in the recent chuck wagon). They look great in the box but much better when they are out of the box and on disply. To that point I want to commend Randy Bond and Alexander Jordan for their creative pictures, displays and historical notes. I enjoy viewing all and even though I have been retired for a number of years I need to find time to also do some photos. Thanks to all, especially Bill Hocker. Note: They also shine under the lights; not all products do this.
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1. Alexander Jordan - 26Oct11 7:42AM
Mr. Charles, thank you for your kind words. I hope to see some pictures of your own toy soldier collection and more pics from everybody else too! I remember my own Grandmother giving me my first set of Britains Black Watch Highlanders for Christmas (Britains 1980's version metal figures marching etc.) back in the early 80's. My other Irish Grandmother used to keep me ample supplied with Britains Deetail French Foreign Legion & Arabs troops back then too!
| 2. Randy Bond - 26Oct11 6:26PM
I am happy to hear that you have enjoyed the posts that Alexander and I have been adding to Bill's Dispatches. You are right about the magical quality of the Hocker sets. I will always remember opening my first set. The smell of the glossy paint was intoxicating and the boxes themselves are works of art in their own right. I began collecting toy soldiers as a boy in the 1950s with a variety of sets from Britains Ltd. Regimens of All Nations series. I still have some of those sets too but IMHO they cannot compete with the work of Bill and his artists,