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  Wm. Hocker, Proprietor

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Britains Highlanders with sun helments in action Pt 2

Alexander Jordan - 19Nov11 2:14PM

Inspired by the photograhs in an article of an old Smithsonian Magazine my Dad saved for me as child featuring the old Malcolm Forbes Toy Soldier collection once displayed in Morocco, I thought it would be fun recreate the photo of the different Britains Highlanders regiments forming a circle in the sand/desert for defense.

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1. Alexander Jordan - 19Nov11 2:15PM

Pic #2
2. Alexander Jordan - 19Nov11 2:15PM

Pic #3
3. Alexander Jordan - 19Nov11 2:15PM

Pic #4
4. - 19Nov11 2:17PM

Pic #5
5. - 19Nov11 2:17PM

Pic #6
6. - 19Nov11 2:18PM

Pic #7
7. - 19Nov11 2:18PM

Pic #8
8. - 19Nov11 2:18PM

Pic #9
9. Alexander Jordan - 19Nov11 2:43PM

Mr. Hocker's set #29 Cameron Highlanders is all that is needed to make this display perfect!

Since 1983