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Ruben Blades

Randy Bond - 11Oct12 1:39PM

I found this photo online today showing from left to right Ruben Blades (actor/singer/toy soldier collector), Ana Donzino (Beau Geste) and Bill taken at OTSN Chicago 2012.

Does Ruben Blades collect Hocker as well as Beau Geste figures?

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1. - 11Oct12 9:59PM

I have it on good authority that he does!
2. Randy Bond - 12Oct12 3:40AM

Bill Hocker - 11Oct12 9:59PM

"I have it on good authority that he does!"

Mirabile Dictu! (Wonderful to tell)
3. Randy Bond - 12Oct12 3:56AM

Ruben Blades, Corina Katt Ayala as artists Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo in the 1999 film Cradle Will Rock about art and politics in 1930s America


Since 1983