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  Wm. Hocker, Proprietor

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Wm. Hocker & his Toy Soldier Company rocks!

Alexander Jordan - 26Mar10 6:58PM

I sincerely can not say enough great things about Mr. Hocker and his toy soldier company. I have been a loyal customer for almost ten years (Hocker #269 Bride & Groom figures were on top of my wife and I's wedding cake a couple of years ago) and have always been more than pleased with any & all toy soldier sets/extra figures I have ordered from Mr. Hocker.
As an avid collector & painter of classic toy soldiers I think Mr. Hocker's figures and sets go very well and complement any sets/display of old Britians, Authenticast, Imperial & Dorset toy soldiers.
In particular, the officer figures from set #s 241, 248, 394, 369, 371, 356 & 368 are fantastic complements to any similar Britains/Dorset/Authenticast toy soldiers depicting similar regiments/armies etc.
Faugh a Ballagh!
-Alexander Jordan
Wilmington, DE

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